Cultivation practices of Guava or Package practices of Guava
Cultivation practices of Guava
It is known as poor man's Apple and Apple of tropics. Origin-Tropical America; Botanical name:Psidium guajava; Family: Myrtaceae; pollination system highly cross pollinated, bees; chromosome number 2n=22. Inflorescence: Cymes, Fruit type:Berry.
It is resistant to drought comma sensitive to water logging and Frost.
Composition and uses
The food is it good source of vitamin C, pectin, calcium and phosphorus. It contains highest fiber (6.9%). The fruit is used for the preparation of processed products like like jam Jelly add nectar. It is suitable for Jelly making due to high pectin content. Fruits can be preserved by Canning as halves or quarters, with or without seed core. Leaves of Guava are used for curing diarrhoea and also for dyeing and tanning.
Allahabad Safed, Allahabad surka, cricket ball, Lucknow 49, Arka Amulya, Arka Mridula, Lalit, Shweta, arka Kiran etc.
Soil and climatic conditions
Heavy clay to very light Sandy soils having pH between 4.5 to 8.2 is suitable for cultivation of guava. Good qualities grows in river basins. Crops are sensitive to water logging. Better quality covers are obtained in winter. (Night temperature is<10°C)
Land preparation
Land is prepared during the summer season by ploughing, leveling and removing weeds.
Seed propagation: Seeds
Vegetative propagation: by cuttings, budding, inarching or air layering.
Planting season: June July is the ideal time for planting.
Planting method: Square system
Pits of 1m*1m*1m size are dug before the monsoon and filled with a mixture of farmyard manure and top soil.
Guava is mostly grown under rainfed condition. Drip irrigation has proved to be very beneficial for guava.
- Training of plants in young stage is essential in order to build a strong tramework and to avoid weak crotches.
- Pruning is usually recommended after harvesting or in spring.
- Summer pruning is generally avoided as the plants get daneged due to Sun burn.
- Concurrent pruning during may, September and December induces multiple cropping in a year.
Leguminous crops or Vegetable can be grown as intercrop during the first 3 years of planting provide irrigation facilities is available.
- There are three distinct flowering seasons with corresponding harvesting periods rainy, winter and spring.
- Since Mrig bahar or winter crop yield fruits of superior quality. This is preferred to rainy season (Ambe Bahar) crop.
- To obtain heavy flowering and fruiting for winter crops, certain crops regulations methods are adopted. Which are together called as Bahar treatment.
- General practice is to restrict watering to trees from February to March which leads trees to arrest period during which accumulation of food materials take place in bunches. During June, the trees are manured followed by irrigation. The stress thus treated produce profuse shoot growth followed by heavy flowering leading to enhance yield winter season.
- It is climatic fruit. Time required for flowering to maturity is 130 to 150 days.
- The plant starts bearing at an early age of 2 to 3 years but they attend full bearing capacity at the age of 8 to 10 years.
- A 10 year old plant yields about 100 to 150 kg of fruits every year.
- For local market fully yellow but firm fruits are harvested whereas half yellow fruits are picked for distinct markets.
The fresh fruits has a short shelf life and distinct
marketing can be done only if it is properly stored.
The shelf life can be extended up to 20 days by keeping them
at low temperature of 5 degreeCelsius and 75 to 85% relative humidity.
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