Cultivation practices of Banana or Package practices of Banana

Cultivation practices of  Banana

It is also known as tree of wisdom, tree of paradise, palnt of virtue and apple of paradise. Origin:South East Asia (indo-malayan), humid tropical herb; monocotyledous; monocarpic, herbaceous perennial. Botanical name:Musa sp., Family :Musaceae, 2n=2x22,33,44; Fruit type:Berry, Inflorescence:Spadix. 

In the world it is being produced in Philippines, Thailand, Uganda, Bangladesh, Australia, etc. India,it stands 3rd in area and 1st in production. India is the largest producer of banana in the world.

Nutrition and uses 
Banana is a nutritious gold mine. They are high in Vitamin B6 which helps fight infection and is essential for the synthesis of hemoglobin. They are also rich in potassium and carbohydrates and a great source of fibre.   Mature and ripened fruits for table purpose immature fruits soda stem and inflorescence as vegetables used in chips soft drinks jam etc.
Poovan, Grand Nine(G9), Dwarf Cavendish, Annaikomban, Karpuravalli, Red banana, Rasthali etc

Soil and climate 
 60cm Deep, well drained, loamy soil with adequate organic matter, in soils with slightly alkalinity incidence of wilt disease is less. The plant prefars a soil pH of 5.5 to 7.5. Warm humid climate with 25 to 40 C, grow well in heavy rain fall areaS, Frost, arid zones with strong and hot wind. Freezing temperature during the winter is quite harmful.

Banana is commonly propagated by vegetative means namely Suckers, rhizomes and tissue culture plants.

Planting season: June-July. In heavy rain area September-October.  In hills planting is done in April.
Spacing: Dwarf varieties 1.2m x1.2m or 1.8m x 1.8m or 2m x 2m.
Pit :60cm x 60cm x 60cm, soil and farmyard manure or compost (50:50)+250g Ssp+250g neem cake along with biofertilizers+carbofuron granules(5-10g/pit).
Suckers/ Rhizomes are planted deep in the pit and as psuedostem grows fill the  with the soil, this helps in proper establishment of psuedostem and plants does not fall down easily due to wind.

The plants need to be irrigated immediately after planting. About 30-40 weeks irrigation are required. Banana needs 10 to 25 litres per plant per day through drip, depending upon the stage of growth.

Special cultural practices in banana
  • Desuckering: Removal of suckers from banana plant is known as Desuckering.  Carefully, suckers around the main psuedostem, just below the ground level are cut regularly and pereced with sharp rod into shoot tip. Kerosene oil is poured inside this sucker to avoid growth. Application of 2,4-D help in desuckering.
  • Propping: It is a method by which Desuckering to the banana plant with the help of bamboo.
  • Wrapping: It is covering of bunches with polythene or ganny cloth that protects the fruit from insect, intense heat, hot wind etc..., and improves the colour of the fruits.
  • Earthing up: Is important particularly during rainy season. This will prevent plan from water logging and also it will provide support to the base of the plant, due to this there are fair chances of formation of good root system.
  • Mottacking:  Cutting of   psuedostem as it dries down after harvesting bunch. It helps in draining nutrients from old and draining   psuedostem into young  psuedostem.
  • Denavaling: Removal of male bud after optimum hands is set. 

Flowering and fruiting 
Inflorescence emerges 9 to 12 months after planting and fruits are ready to harvest after 3-4 months of emergence. Inflorescence has different types of flowers-female, hermaphrodite and male. Usually at the end of inflorescence male flower are found. The edible banana develop a mass of edible pulp without pollination that is parthenocarpy.

  • Banana is a climatric fruit. Maturity takes 19 to 150 days. 
  • Disappearance of angle and days from flower emergence are better harvest index. 
  • Dwarf varieties are ready for harvest early as compared to tell varieties. 
  • The main season for banana is September - April. 
  • The harvesting is performed by cuttings the bunch, retaining 15-20cm stalk, this will help in handling. Sometimes, partial harvesting is done when fruits are required for vegetable purpose.
Yield: Average yield of dwarf varieties 300-400q/ha and tall varieties 150-200q/ha.


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