Cultivation practices of Carnation or Package Practices of Carnation

 Cultivation practices of Carnation

Carnation is one of the most important cut flower in the international flower trade . Tt's keeping quality wide range of farms, colour, ability to with stand long distance transportation, makes it very popular among growers and traders.
Botanical name :Dianthus caryophyllus,  Family: Caryophyllaceae, 2n=30, Origin :Mediterrian region.

Soil and climate
Well drained and red loamy soil with the pH of 6 is most suitable and adequate organic matter content is required for good growth. Carnation are long day plants and requires higher light level to produce good quality flowers. The combinations of 23 -25°C day and 13-15°C night temperature is ideal. The ideal climate for carnation production is cool but stable temperature, low humidity and long days with high light intensity.

Winter cheer, Lady green, Kiss Siga, Indira,  Varna, Pink dona, White tundra etc.

Planting is done during February -April to get flowers from August-October. In protected conditions, carnations can be planted around the year.

Propagation and Planting
Suckers can be used for planting. The Terminal cuttings of  5-10 cm are treated with NAA at 500 PPM for 5 minutes to induce rooting. Cuttings are dipped in carbendazim 2g /lit solution. Raised bed at 3 feet width and 45 cm height are formed at 45cm interval and planting is done on top of the bed at 15 x15 cm spacing. The cuttings normally developed good root system within 21 days. Planting density of around 32 plants per metre square is generally recommended for 2 year production. When it is planted in pots, a single plant can be planted in 7.5 cm pots containing a potting mixture of equal parts of soil and well rotted FYM and half part of sand. 

Support Material / Netting /Staking
  • The crop as a tendency to bend unless supported to properly.
  • Hence the crop needs support while growing.
  • The good supporting material needs metallic rod or wire  woven with nylon mesh.
  • In every 2m the wire must be supported with poles.
  • The poles at beginning and end should be strong.
  • The metallic wire tied around the bed along the length with support from poles across the bed nylon wires are like net for an optimum support is an increasing width of meshes from base to top can be used. 
  • Bottom net can be 10 x10 cm and should be placed at 20 cm above the ground level. followed by two nets one net is at 35 cm from ground level, mesh size is 12.5 x 12.5 cm and second is at 50 cm above ground level with mesh Size 15 x 15 cm.
  • The plant should be constantly trained within the nets so as to get straight flowering stalks. 

Pinching refers to Breaking the tip and encouraging growth of side shoots. Depending upon the need of Crop spread. a)single, b)one and half, c)double pinches are given. Ideal time for pinching is morning. when the plant attends 6 nodes, the first pinch is given. This is referred as single pinch. This would give rise to 6 lateral shoots. With a one and half pinch two to three of these lateral shoots are pinched again. For the double pinch, all the lateral shoots are pinched off.

Nutrition and Irrigation
Recommended dose of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and potash is 30:20:30 g/m2 per year. A basal dose of 20:20:10g/m2 is given at the time of planting and remaining fertilizers is applied in equally distributed doses over the year. 4-6 litres of water per square metre is required depending upon growth rate of plant as well as prevailing light and temperature. Over watering and poor drainage cause root death and stunted growth. Over watering also leads to soft stems.

Flower starts after 4 months of planting and continuous up to one and half years. Standard carnation flowers are harvested when the outer Patel unfolds nearly perpendicular to the stem. Spray types are harvested when two flowers open and the remaining buds show colour.
Post harvest treatment
Citric acid is added to water to make the pH 4.5-5 and 5 milligram of sodium hypochloride is added to 1 litre of water. Cut flowers stalk is soaked in this solution for 4-5 hours to improve vase life.


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